#1: Billy Ocean "The Love Zone"
#2: Beef Jerky
This week:

And in particular, my phone camera. The Treo is a total piece of S, but its internal camera is serious business. And while my hatred for talking on the phone is well documented (or at least person or by e-mail), I carry the little bugger around so I can quickly snap shots of the various crap I notice in the streets. I am far from alone in this endeavor, I know. My point is that just because it's a phone doesn't mean your shots are less composed or thought out, and just because the quality leaves something to be desired doesn't mean that what comes out is necessarily "bad." Sometimes the weirdness of the colors makes photos look like paintings or video stills, and there's something cool about that, if you calibrate your expectations.
As Henri Cartier-Bresson said, "For me the camera is a sketchbook." Don't Front.
I just uploaded a bunch of phone camera shots to my Flickr page—click here to check them out.