Image of the DayCecilia Roth in the Spanish film Arrebato ("Rapture"), featured in Spanish Cinema of the Early Post-Franco Era (1975–83), a ten-film series opening tonight at Anthology Film Archives in New York. From the Times:
The flowering of film after [Franco's] death in 1975 . . . was something of a coming-out party for all things underground and repressed: drugs, raucous experimentation and, of course, sex. A gay sensibility flourished, not only in the films of Pedro Almodóvar, represented here by Pepi, Luci, Bom y Otras Chicas del Montón and Laberinto de Pasiones, but also in movies like Ventura Pons’s Ocaña, a 1978 documentary portrait of José Pérez Ocaña, an artist who walked around Barcelona in a peek-a-boo dress.