Marlena Shaw "California Soul" from The Spice of Life (1977, Cadet Records — this version unmistakably produced by Charles Stepny, with Richard Evans). One of my favorite songs written by the late, great Nick Ashford with his partner and wife Valerie Simpson (pictured above, photo credit unknown).
One time while I was working for Martha Stewart, a group of us were eating lunch in the HBO cafeteria on the corner of 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue. Martha was formerly owned by HBO's parent company, and a co-worker in the Crafts department still had his old employee pass; occasionally we used it gain access to their cafeteria, which was magical. I think it was on the 2nd or 3rd floor so it was good for people-watching. Anyway while I was sitting there I looked out the window and saw Nick Ashford & Valerie Simpson walking together through Bryant Park.