Puget Soundings .Photographs of poles and wires, icons of Seattle streets, by the great Mary Randlett
Select covers of Puget Soundings. I first learned about the magazine, which was published by the Junior League of Seattle from 1929–1983(?), through Javas Lehn, and then found a big stash of them through Abe Books. The art direction throughout is pretty great.Silk screen by Jim Dine Photograph by Mary Randlett Uncredited sketch of the schooner Exact, which brought the pioneer families of Denny, Boren, Low, Bell, and Terry to Alki Point on November 13, 1851 Untitled Nancy Genn mixed-media piece from a 1976 show at Linda Farris Gallery called My Neighbor, the Stadium Photography by Ed Cooper Photograph by Mary Randlett Pike Place Market by Lauri Olin Cyanotype photograph by Chris RendinaMadison Park, late 1890s