Tonight at Vermillion, Seattle's Canoe Social Club launches its inaugural issue of BrownBagMag — "a semi-quarterly celebration of arts, culture, and science, interested in the interrelationships of the arts, of art to science and the artist to society" with contributions from Rick Araluce, Maxfield Chandler, Chris Crites, Tom Dougherty, Jed Dunkerley, Charles Leggett, Jessica Levey, Sarah Lippek, Darby McDevitt, Linden Ontjes, Arne Pihl, Robert Rousseau, Erin Shafkind. Other than that, I know very little, but as I get somewhat ridiculously worked up about new publications, I am quite excited to check it out. Get more info here; the launch party is tonight from 7PM on at Vermillion.