In kindred news, former Gourmet columnists Jane and Michael Stern — who I mentioned previously in a post about their 1975 book Trucker — were on KUOW this morning talking about their favorite road foods. In case you don't have time to listen, I will hereby share with you the top three bits of Northwest-related information I gathered therein:
1. I was reminded that 13 Coins has great hashbrowns. Emily and I are on a never-ending search for good hashbrowns; they're almost impossible to get in New York (hashbrown wedges at Barn being one exception), so we're making up for lost time.
2. The producer of the show recommends beef jerky from Owen's Meats in Cle Elum.
3. Coeur d'Alene, the Sterns say, has one of the best burger joints in the country: Hudson's Hamburgers, which has been there since 1907. Maybe next time we go to Idaho we will swing up North and see if a Huddy Burger can top the best burger ever.