I narrowly missed out on acquiring this while we were in New York. Emily and I were having a beer and some snackies at The Magician on Rivington Street last Friday evening before joining our friends and family at Arrow Bar, as is our way. At 6:58PM Eastern Daylight Time the weekly e-mail from Seattle's Wall of Sound Records came across my crackleberry. I immediately went outside to call the store and see if they could save it for me if I paid by credit card right then and there. Alas, by the time I called, three other people had already done the same and it was gone.
It has been added to the want list. Some day it will be mine.
For now I am consoling myself with sounds from the Vivian Girls' new LP Everything Goes Wrong. You should do the same. Here's a sample (via GvB). Play it loud:
Vivian Girls When I'm Gone mp3
And here's another nice take on it, from They Shoot Music:
More info on Vivian Girls here.
Update: Oh, sweet internet. You can download both side one and side two of Conversations Regarding the Future of Architecture for free at Record Brother. Mies van der Rohe: "I don't want to be interesting. I want to be good."