A Single ManTom Ford's directorial debut is based on the 1964 novel by Christopher Isherwood about a gay British professor in 1960s Los Angeles who is still devastated by the death of his partner several years earlier. Ford says the movie is "not about being gay… it’s really a film about love and isolation that I think all of us feel so it is very universal. When I see someone who sees the film who say’s 'it's a gay story,' I don’t even know what they are thinking, it just seems to me a human story." A Single Man was very well received when it was shown at the Venice Film Festival a few weeks ago, and the film's star, Colin Firth, won the festival's award for best actor.
A Spring 2000 issue of Fashion of the Times (the pre-T fashion supplement to the Sunday NYT) had a feature on the film inspirations of various fashion designers, including Tom Ford, who was then at the helm of both Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent. Click to enlarge:I'm not sure I see the movies he lists exactly influencing what's shown in the trailer, but there is no doubt Ford is adept at creating an extremely rich visual environment, and in addition to the story itself sounding interesting, I'm excited to see A Single Man just to look at it.
Normally I would put a link here where you could go for more info, but oddly enough there's not too much official information about the film on the web yet, other than the trailer and from other blogs. Anyway, there it is, stay tuned for more info as I'm sure we'll post about A Single Man again. While we're at it, here's the rest of that feature from the New York Times: [Ghesquiére with the win]