After almost a full month of sunny-and-75º, gray weather is threatening Seattle again. I actually don't mind it — walking out of the office last night to meet my mom for drinks at the Hideout, the rain had made everything smell fresh (there's a specific word for that phenomenon, I can't remember it). The gray skies remind you that it won't in fact be sunny forever and that you have to take advantage of it while you can. The Northwest is truly unbeatable when it's nice out.

Speaking of Criterion and darkness, I wanted to mention that on the recommendation of Merchbot's Movie Reviews, we just watched the 1961 noir Blast of Silence. I also highly recommend it, though possibly as a rainy day activity, rather than the way we watched it, hungover on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Here's the trailer:
Check out another clip and the Merchbot review here. For more info about the Criterion DVD click here and here.
Now go outside and play.