Our Beautiful West Coast ThingHaida Raven with Snow Pat McGuire Images from RUINS IN PROCESS: Vancouver Art in the Sixties, a recently-launched digital archive of artwork, ephemera, and film. Film stilll from What Happened Last Summer by Stan FoxLandscape Manual by Jeff WallRobert Smithson in Vancouver: A Fragment of a Greater Fragment catalogue coverBilingual by Audrey Capal DoreyA Portfolio of Piles by Ingrid Baxter / N.E. Thing Co. Ltd.Poetry Front: ConcretePoetryNo Ow Now from USCO Hubbub by Gerd Sternartscanada, June/July, 1971
Much, much more here.
Where is the Seattle version of this — is there one I don't know about? The Municipal Archives Flickr page is great and all, but damn.
Via Jen Graves , particularly on fire lately at SLOG.