Telepathe In Your Line mp3
The way the song starts goes well with walking out into a clear cold morning before the sun has changed everything. I'm always extra aware of details in my neighborhood at that time of day (the dew on the pine needles, crows on the telephone wires...junkies in the alley) and the noise and cadence in this song kind of magnify that. The vocals are kind of flawed in parts but I don't mind — in this case it makes them seem more personal or vulnerable.

Photo by Andres Lazlo Konrath
Telepathe's new album Dance Mother, produced by David Andrew Sitek of TV on the Radio, came out last week on IAMSOUND Records. A bunch of artists (Diplo, No Age, Abe Vigoda) made little videos talking about it. Here's what Andy Milonakis had to say:
Well put, brother. More info on Telepathe at their website and at myspace.com/telepathe. You can find Dance Mother at your favorite local record store, download it from emusic, or buy it directly from IAMSOUND.