A Frontier StoryAt Rachel Comey's Fall/Winter 2008 show earlier this year (held at the venerable Salmagundi Club), she showed some shoes with handwriting painted on the platforms—book titles like Séance on a Wet Afternoon, and if I remember correctly there was some Ouija board and Houdini stuff on there too.For the special Northwest edition, sold only at Totokaelo and Impulse (36th North at Fremont Ave) I suggested using the title of Carol Ryrie Brink's 1935 book Caddie Woodlawn: A Frontier Story — and here they are. I love it when a plan comes together.
I should mention that Carol Ryrie Brink (1895–1981) was a resident of Moscow, Idaho, where Emily grew up. I remember a Caddie Woodlawn craze when I was in elementary school and Emily has a nice old copy:Ryrie Brink wrote a bunch of other books but the only one I've read is Buffalo Coat (1944), which Emily bought me a few years back:
I highly recommend it for young and old dudes and ladies alike, as it is just a good old intrigue-filled pioneer story about the early days of Moscow.
I think some of Carol Ryrie Brink's books are still in print but you can also search for them at abebooks.com.