Another thing: the second questioner was a young Black dude named Oliver Clark. He asked McCain and Obama, "Well, Senators, through this economic crisis, most of the people that I know have had a difficult time. And through this bailout package, I was wondering what it is that's going to actually help those people out." There were a few things that bothered me about McCain's answer. First, McCain condescended in saying "I'll bet you, you may never even have heard of [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] before this crisis." Second, toward the end of McCain's answer, he said "…we're going to have to go out into the housing market and we're going to have to buy up these bad loans and we're going to have to stabilize home values, and that way, Americans, like Alan, can realize the American dream and stay in their home." [Alan was the first questioner, a middle-aged white guy.] Setting aside the truly insane — and actually radically leftist — hail-Mary idea to buy up bad mortgages, I thought McCain's answer contained a subtle racial slight. Oliver had asked the question, but McCain told him that his plan would help "Americans, like Alan." He could have just as easily said "like you and Alan" or "like you" or just left it at "Americans;" instead, he seemed to exclude Oliver. Am I reading too much into it? Maybe. It may have been accidental, or a non-issue altogether. But the McCain campaign has thrown just about every type of dirt it could find at Obama, and it clearly hasn't stuck—so at this late stage, judging by the trajectory so far, it would not be a surprise to now see them resort to the lowest, most gutteral mud-slinging, attempting to appeal to middle America's worst instincts. McCain himself might not calculate going there — his campaign and running mate will handle the overt attacks for him — but his answer to Oliver's question seems to reinforce a sub-conscious prejudice at the very least.
Or not. I don't think I'm overly sensitive to stuff like that, but maybe I am. Who knows.